Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Confusion Between Heads and Butts

Approximately 1:30 pm, same day:
During rest time, I pull students one by one to have them come read to me.  This is just a way to measure their progress and to improve on their fluency.  I call Craig to the table so he could read his level 2 book to me.  Most of the kids are on level 6, but Craig struggles a bit.

He reads the first 6 pages with ease (although it was obvious he had memorized it).  I try not to count that against them.  You never want to tell a child that they're not really reading. Kind of a dagger to the heart there.

On the last page, there is a "speech balloon."  A hippopotamus is saying something really important like, "This water is nice."  You know how meaningful words in these books are at this age. Or maybe you don't.  They're not meaningful at all.

He reads this with ease too.  But my question throws him off.  "Craig, why is there a bubble coming out of the hippo's head?"  And as I look back, I realize the question could have been clearer.

He pauses, obviously thinking, then answers, "....is he farting?"

Um, no Craig.

Miss V.


  1. Your blogs are hilarious!
    At some point in our lives we've all been around kids who have said and/or done something funny. So I can see lots of people being able to relate to this blog.
    Kids really do say the darndest things! :)

  2. Im with danielle these stories are too funny. silly craig... it must be a blast hangin' out with the kids all day
